all girls. all a cappella. all night. 11th - 15th october 2006. bangsar actors studio. you wanna?

Friday, August 25, 2006


"Some boys,
take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world...
I wanna be the one to WALK IN THE SUN!
Cause girls, just wanna have FUN!"

And here is one that basks upon the glamourous shines of the sun, amongst 15 others that know not the meaning of "shying-away". For we are here.

We are A Cappella singers.
We are girls.
ALL girls.
We are the LiT Performers.

Many have wondered and questioned of what lies beyond the three simple letterings that bounds us together. My respond would usually vary from "Does it matter?" to "Does it REALLY matter?" For it is my belief that a name, is like mentioned, what group us together. Behind the abbreviation of LiT stands only the unity of the group of individuals that shares the same passion for music and love for singing. A group of people that lives the meaning of rhythm and realizes the unlimited potential of human voices.

We sing because a song needs melody. But what we are, are really, make believers. We make believe that we are beatboxes, we make believe we are the sha-la girls, we make believe that we are made out of brass, drums and electric guitars. Basically every other musical instruments imagineable and not. So long as we want to. Because we can.

Don't get me wrong. Arrogant we daren't. But what we pride is just our believes in the capabilities of the human voice. Why let only the instruments have all the glamour and fun?

We are here to walk on that painted stage with our fashionable heels. We are here to bask in that light that lit for us. We are here to strut our moves and sway to the rhythm. We are here to take the stage with our passion and sing our hearts desire! Most of all, we are girls, and we just wanna have fun!


Come join us on this journey through the diaries of our days aimed at that very night when we justify, why girls just have more fun.


Me. Anrie.


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